Centre for Teaching and Learning

Academic Literacy Test Bloemfontein, 5 February, 10.30 - 13:00

Genmin Lectorium

Genmin Lectorium


Sign-ups for this session is now closed. At the time of closing this session was 80% full. If you missed the sign-up window, you can take a chance and arrive at the testing venue in the relevant timeslot. Based on availability in a specific session, 'walk-in' or non-signed-up students will be accommodated. Alternatively, sign up for a session on a another day.

Click here to book a test session for the Academic Literacy Test.

DO NOT sign up for more than one session. You will be taking up other students' spots in the sessions you don't attend.

You DO NOT need to study for this test, but your performance will determine whether you will be exempted from the Critical Academic Literacies developmental module.

This link is for the session on Bloemfontein, 5 February, 10:30-13:00. The venue is the Genmin Lectorium (LCT).

Please bring the following with you:
- A black pen
- An HB pencil
- An eraser
- Your student card, I.D. card or driver's license

IMPORTANT: Ensure that you arrive 15 minutes before the start of your test slot.

Organized by

Centre for Teaching and Learning