30 January 2023 to 10 February 2023
Department of Engineering Sciences
Africa/Johannesburg timezone

The 13th CHPC Coding Summer School


The 5th NITheCS Summer School on the Foundations of Theoretical and Computational Science

30 January - 10 February 2023

In collaboration with the CHPC and NITheCS, this event will be dually hosted by the UFS HPC team and the UFS Grid Related Research Group.

The Summer School is jointly organised by the Centre for High-Performance Computing (CHPC) of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research and the National Institute for Theoretical  Computational Science (NITheCS).

This joint effort was explicitly motivated by a concept paper of the South African Department of Science and Innovation (DSI) that explores the possibility of broadening the scope of NITheP into a national institute/centre for theoretical and computational science.

Although this is an online event, participants must attend this workshop at the designated location on the Bloemfontein campus, where technical assistance can be provided.

Please complete the registration form on the CHPC's event pagehttps://events.chpc.ac.za/event/115/

Department of Engineering Sciences
Lecture Hall B5

Aim of the School:

The School is aimed at postgraduate students in the fields of physics, chemistry, mathematics, applied mathematics, biology, bioinformatics, computer science, engineering with an interest in both theoretical and computational science. In particular, the School aims at bridging the gap between theoretical studies and High Performance Computing.

The School will start with a Basic Scientific Programming Course to introduce students to Linux (Ubuntu) Command line and bash scripting and the Python programming language. This will be followed by introductions to Foundations of Theoretical and Computational Science on topics such as:

  • Mathematics.
  • Atmospheric Science.
  • Quantitative Biology.
  • Statistics.
  • Quantitative Finance.

and advanced online tutorials and workshops to put the theoretical material into practice. The School is structured in such a way to encourage students to actively solve challenging problems that the lectures will pose. Students should be prepared to learn on their own!


School Syllabus:

The School syllabus will cover the following:

Introduction to Linux. The first two days will consist of Linux training. It will cover a basic introduction to Linux command line, bash scripting, and Introduction to PBS Pro and job submission at CHPC (Mr Binjamin Barsch, Centre for High Performance Computing, CSIR).

Python will be discussed from day three to the end of the school.

Introduction to Python Programming for Data Science: It will cover the basics of python and syntax, advanced functions and using Matplotlib with python, and the use of advanced mathematical packages such as Numpy and Scipy (Mr Binjamin Barsch, Centre for High-Performance Computing, CSIR).

Other topics covered related to:

  • A Python-based Introduction to Mathematical Proofs: Prof Zurab Janelidze (SU).
  • Earth Systems Modelling & Climate Change Modelling: Dr Mary-Jane Bopape (South African Weather Service).
  • Machine learning for Bioacoustics: Dr Emmanuel Dufourq (SU/AIMS).
  • Introduction to Statistics using R: Prof Freedom Gumedze (UCT).
  • Introduction to Quantitative Finance: (TBA).

Application and Registration:

The CHPC and NITheCS call for all talented students registered for Honours, Masters, PhD, including postdoc in South Africa to submit their applications. The registration fee is free for all successful Applicants. As public-funded institutions, the CHPC and NITheCS support the transformation of South Africa and thus the School organizers highly encourage students from previously disadvantaged backgrounds to submit their applications. There will be no scholarship for successful applicants as the school will be hosted on a virtual platform. However, a background of scientific programming skills and basic Linux will be an advantage. 

Important dates:

School start:  30 January 2023

Closing date for scholarship applications: 23h59 Saturday, 31 December 2022

Notification of Successful Candidates: will be notified by 21 January 2023

School end: 10 February 2023

School Organizing Committee:

Prof Francesco Petruccione (UKZN & NITheCS)

Binjamin Barsch (CSIR, NICIS-CHPC)

Prof Zurab Janelidze (SU)



Please complete the registration form on the CHPC's event pagehttps://events.chpc.ac.za/event/115/

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