Academic writing


Session 1 on the 20th of Jan: It is envisaged that after the workshop postgraduate students will have a clear understanding of

·The essence, expectations and challenges of research writing
·Research as a process vs the product of writing
·The purpose of research writing as communication – demystifying the academic conversation
·Two levels of research: incorporating practical problems (empirical data) and research problems
·Reading and note-taking as a process of conceptualising your research
·The generic structure of a thesis/dissertation


Session 2 on the 21st of Jan: It is envisaged that after the workshop postgraduate students will have a clear understanding of


·The three levels of structuring a text: macro-,

meso- and micro-levels

·The interdiscursive and functional aspects of source use and citation practices
·Aligning your academic text: cohesion, coherence, integration and synthesis
·Style and flow in constructing and editing the academic text
·How to construct a well-developed paragraph

Session 3 on the 22nd of Jan: It is envisaged that after the workshop postgraduate students will have a clear understanding of

·Owning your academic voice and positioning your argument in the academic conversation
·Positioning your voice in finding your writing identity by means of your personalised voice and socialised voice
·Voiceless writing – a word or two on plagiarism and practical exercises
·The challenge of paraphrasing without plagiarising – practical application.
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