



WHY should you consider this workshop?

“To consult the statistician after an experiment is finished, is often merely to ask him to conduct a post mortem examination. He can perhaps say what the experiment died of.”

This quote is from the Statistican R.A. Fisher, this workshop will assist with the research design in order to ensure that it is correctly applied.

One day workshop:

Who should attend: Everyone considering quantitative research including lecturers, students, as well as other quantitative researchers?

The goal of this course is to help prepare the researcher with the design of a research project to ensure that the sample, experimental design (if necessary) and questionnaire is done in such a way that the statistical analysis of the results may be optimized.


Here’s some things you’re going to learn:
· The correct research approach, and design for the quantitative study.
· How to have valid and reliable constructs for the questionnaire.
· How to sample in the correct manner and have a large enough sample size for analysis.
· Which statistical techniques to use to test the research hypotheses.
· Make sure the research hypotheses, questionnaire and statistical analyses are aligned.
· What format the data must be in for statistical analysis.
· How to distribute the questionnaire online.


  • The research design (touch on mixed methods)
  • Experimental design
  • Questionnaire design
  • Sampling
  • Data capturing and coding
  • Web questionnaires and other research related issues



  • Participant must be aware of all the pitfalls regarding quantitative design especially sampling and the questionnaire.
  • Participant must be able to:
    • design the questionnaire in such a way that: reliability and validity and can be tested, the research questions can be answered and the statistical analyses can be optimized
    • choose the correct sampling technique and sample size
    • code the questionnaire for data capturing
    • understand the capturing process if it is on paper or the internet



HJ Gerber obtained the BCom-degree (Statistics at the UP in 1995), BCom (Hons) (Statistics at the UP in 1999) and MCom (Statistics at the UP in 2005). The title of his Master’s thesis was “A statistical perspective on data mining”. This thesis dealt with the use of statistical techniques to detect patterns and trends in masses of data and databases. He has more than 19 years consulting experience; as a Statistician (2 years Agricultural Research Council (ARC), 6 years UNISA consultation service, 11+ years Statistical Consulting Services & HR Statistics & Unisa CGS) and 2 years Lecturing Statistic subjects at UNISA.


From 2008 he delivered workshops to Joint Minds consulting (at Botswana University various tertiary institutions in Botswana), the University of South Africa (various departments), Monash SA, Vaaldriehoek University of Technology (VUT) and the University of Pretoria. The following workshops are delivered: Quantitative research design (questionnaire and sampling etc.) 1 day, Data analysis (application) 1 day, Hands-on data analysis with a statistical package 3 days, Intermediate data analysis 2 days, Introduction to descriptive Statistics 1 day and Interpretation and write-up 1 day. He is was external examiner for the Honours Statistics course ‘Regression Analysis’ at the University of Pretoria, as well as external examiner for the course ‘Critical Business skills’ at Wits Business School.


Tshepiso Molaba
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